From Writing Online to Self-Celebration: It’s All About Practice

What Are You Practicing Today?

Be Open


Celebrate! That’s part of the practice.

Twenty five minutes -

Today I write for the sake of it, for the sake of following through on a commitment.

There are many commitments I do not follow through on, still.

There are many commitments I do not follow through on, yet.

It’s a Practice,

I say this and write this again and again, it’s a reminder that thrives on repetition.

Here are some things I am practicing today:

  1. Showing up. Following through.
  2. Writing.
  3. Using Medium and other online platforms.
  4. Paying attention to my habits, positive and negative.
  5. Paying attention to my emotions, positive and negative.
  6. Taking care of my body. Listening to my body. Noticing sensations: the positive, the negative, and the neutral.
  7. Eating wisely and acting mindfully.
  8. Noticing the resistance in Showing Up. Noticing the impulses that distract from Following Through, and the doubts and insecurities that hover around Writing.
  9. Noticing the way Medium and other online platforms can a) be supportive, and b) promote addictive and destructive habits, often at the same time.
  10. Pause. Breath in. Breath out. Follow the breathe.
  11. Return to the page. Show up, again and again.
  12. Forgive myself for the food hastily eaten in a moment of stress and avoidance. Forgive myself for the too-many internet tabs. Forgive myself for needing to practice. Forgive myself for not being perfect.
  13. Remember when the days used to pass in brain-fogginess and fatigue. Celebrate that right now I am here, I am present. I can show up. I can notice.
  14. Celebrate that there is always something to celebrate. This body. This home. This food, eaten however hastily, and the nourishment it provides.
  15. Celebrate the practice. Smile softly. How does that feel?

Congratulations. It’s been twenty five minutes.



Be Open

write for 25 minutes a day, every day. anything goes.